Launching Learning Success

Redefining EdTech navigation for clearer educational paths.

Subscription Platform/Desktop/Mobile

The subscription-based platform provides educators with learning materials. Users need to easily locate specific content that aligns with particular qualifiers in order to use these materials in the classroom.

Image of laptop icon.

The Problem

Users with access to specialized product features were unaware of their availability or how to access them, leading to retention challenges.

Image of target icon.

The Solution

Enhancing the UI and platform homepage to effectively guide users to tailored lessons by implementing prominent calls to action.

Image of idea light bulb icon.


  • UX Designer

  • UI Designer

Image of clip board icon.

Project Type

  • Long-term

  • Modification

  • Platform

Image of thumb tack icon.

How might we solve the attrition of Techbooks and, ultimately, enhance the overall retention of the Discovery Education platform?

Evaluation and Research

We needed to understand the demographics of our audience, understand the extent of engagement (or lack thereof), and identify the factors contributing to the limited interaction with purchased Techbooks.


of users who access a Techbook and navigate directly to the search bar during their initial session do not return to the platform.


of users who access a Techbook during their first session return to the platform for subsequent sessions.


of school districts with Techbooks are opting out of their subscriptions during the subsequent Back to School purchasing season, citing insufficient usage.

*Data obtained via Looker

The Techbooks were displayed as tiles on the homepage with minimal context. Without an onboarding process that included a step-by-step tour, users tended to overlook these tiles as they quickly scrolled through, given their limited time to explore and familiarize themselves with a new system.

Why Were Users Skipping the Techbooks?

Navigation and Hierarchy

The Techbook tiles were situated under other tiles, lovingly known as the "rainbow nav." However, users often bypassed both the Techbook tiles and the rainbow nav, opting to go directly to the search bar. This user flow essentially rendered the homepage unnecessary.


Storyboards and sketches were compiled to delineate fundamental user pathways ("red routes") and streamline the process of creating digital mock-ups, optimizing time efficiency.

Leverage the Homepage

Users consistently overlooked the homepage, relying on the search bar to find features and products for classroom and lesson management, despite the presence of tiles guiding them to these resources.

A proposed redesign involves transforming the homepage into an interactive dashboard, featuring strategic calls to action that serve as launch pads to various platform features. The framework would dynamically adapt based on user activity, reorganizing the launch pads in order of user preference.


Interviews with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) unveiled that the tiles lacked intuitiveness in conveying that they represented electronic textbooks. Users expressed, in discussions with sales, SMEs, and outreach teams, that if the Techbooks appeared less like static images (which users weren't aware they could interact with), they would be more inclined to engage with them.

One proposed solution is to redesign the Techbooks to resemble physical books, akin to the format used in Kindle.


Shifting the locations to guide users into various features necessitated considering similarities between product features to streamline navigation pathways.

Features requiring exploration and content searching, which are surfaced based on user activity data, were consolidated under the "Recommended for You" launch pad. Classroom management tools were grouped together, and enhanced visibility was granted to saved content.

Research with Subject Matter Experts

To ensure designs aligned with user needs, we enlisted individuals from the education field to compile their wish list. Notably, the homepage was being overlooked, as users preferred searching for classroom and lesson management features directly from the search bar, bypassing tiles.

The proposed redesign envisions the homepage as a dynamic dashboard featuring strategic calls to action, serving as launch pads to various platform features. The framework adapts based on user activity, reordering launch pads based on user preferences.


Interviews with teachers and curriculum specialists from Wisconsin, Texas, Colorado, and Maryland provided insights into their preferences and desires for the current platform. Occasionally, their wishes aligned with features already available but undiscovered. They also shared their product usage and provided contextual details about specific use cases. Their top 5 wishes were:

  1. Classroom management

  2. Learning Management System synchronization with grade books

  3. An easier way to find their saved/favorited lessons, videos, audio files, quizzes

  4. Returning to where they left off (like a bookmark)

  5. Progress reporting

Image of chat bubble icon.

The Build

Following the identification of key calls to action, we initiated the construction of the launchpads.

Techbook Launch Pad

Although the initial concept considered reimagining Techbooks as book covers, user desires for an efficient way to resume where they left off and easier content retrieval prompted the integration of these features into the Techbook launch pad. This consolidation not only maximized space but also eliminated redundancies.

Another motivation for transitioning to this tabbed version of Techbooks is that some districts only acquire a single Techbook, minimizing dead space on the page in that section.

Wireframe of new techbook launchpad

Classroom Launch Pad

User requests sought a solution for managing classrooms, assignments, monitoring progress, and integrating Learning Management Systems (LMSs) with grade books. Previously, these features existed as individual products within the platform, scattered and hidden in various navigation sections.

The introduction of a classroom dashboard now enables users to seamlessly navigate between all relevant classes or subjects, providing a centralized location to monitor all aspects associated with each class.

High fidelity wireframe of classroom, assignment dashboard

Recently Viewed and Explore Launch Pads

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High fidelity wireframe of recently viewed and exploration launchpads


Metrics on the integration with the platform.


Increase in rate of return first-time users captured after Q1.


Of first-time users entered their subscribed techbooks in Q1.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sapien eget mi proin sed. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu. Porttitor massa id neque aliquam vestibulum. Non sodales neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl purus. Id venenatis a condimentum vitae. Luctus accumsan tortor posuere ac ut. Nulla malesuada pellentesque elit eget gravida cum sociis natoque penatibus. Mi eget mauris pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean. At varius vel pharetra vel.*

*Data obtained via Looker


Leveraging the Homepage as an interactive dashboard with prominent calls-to-action and contextual information encouraged increased interaction with the Learning Management System components of the platform. This strategy effectively directed first-time users straight to the Techbooks.